Update dependency mkdocstrings to ~=0.28.0 #9

stephan.hadan merged 1 commit from renovate/mkdocstrings-0.x into develop 2025-02-03 22:37:03 +01:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
mkdocstrings (changelog) minor ~=0.27.0 -> ~=0.28.0

Release Notes

mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings (mkdocstrings)


Compare Source

Compare with 0.27.0

Breaking Changes

Although the following changes are "breaking" in terms of public API, we didn't find any public use of these classes and methods on GitHub.

  • mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(parser): Parameter was removed
  • mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(md): Positional parameter was moved
  • mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(config): Parameter was removed
  • mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(handlers): Parameter kind was changed: positional or keyword -> keyword-only
  • mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(autorefs): Parameter kind was changed: positional or keyword -> keyword-only
  • mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.__init__(config): Parameter was removed
  • mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.__init__(handlers): Positional parameter was moved
  • mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.__init__(autorefs): Positional parameter was moved
  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(config): Parameter was removed
  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(theme): Parameter was added as required
  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(default): Parameter was added as required
  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(inventory_project): Parameter was added as required
  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(tool_config): Parameter was added as required

Similarly, the following parameters were renamed, but the methods are only called from our own code, using positional arguments.

  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler.collect(config): Parameter was renamed options
  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler.render(config): Parameter was renamed options

Finally, the following method was removed, but this is again taken into account in our own code:

  • mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler.get_anchors: Public object was removed

For these reasons, and because we're still in v0, we do not bump to v1 yet. See following deprecations.


mkdocstrings 0.28 will start emitting these deprecations warnings:

The handler argument is deprecated. The handler name must be specified as a class attribute.

Previously, the get_handler function would pass a handler (name) argument to the handler constructor. This name must now be set on the handler's class directly.

class MyHandler:
    name = "myhandler"

The domain attribute must be specified as a class attribute.

The domain class attribute on handlers is now mandatory and cannot be an empty string.

class MyHandler:
    domain = "mh"

The theme argument must be passed as a keyword argument.

This argument could previously be passed as a positional argument (from the get_handler function), and must now be passed as a keyword argument.

The custom_templates argument must be passed as a keyword argument.

Same as for theme, but with custom_templates.

The mdx argument must be provided (as a keyword argument).

The get_handler function now receives a mdx argument, which it must forward to the handler constructor and then to the base handler, either explicitly or through **kwargs:

=== "Explicitly"

def get_handler(..., mdx, ...):
    return MyHandler(..., mdx=mdx, ...)

class MyHandler:
    def __init__(self, ..., mdx, ...):
        super().__init__(..., mdx=mdx, ...)

=== "Through **kwargs"

def get_handler(..., **kwargs):
    return MyHandler(..., **kwargs)

class MyHandler:
    def __init__(self, ..., **kwargs):

In the meantime we still retrieve this mdx value at a different moment, by reading it from the MkDocs configuration.

The mdx_config argument must be provided (as a keyword argument).

Same as for mdx, but with mdx_config.

mkdocstrings v1 will stop handling 'import' in handlers configuration. Instead your handler must define a get_inventory_urls method that returns a list of URLs to download.

Previously, mkdocstrings would pop the import key from a handler's configuration to download each item (URLs). Items could be strings, or dictionaries with a url key. Now mkdocstrings gives back control to handlers, which must store this inventory configuration within them, and expose it again through a get_inventory_urls method. This method returns a list of tuples: an URL, and a dictionary of options that will be passed again to their load_inventory method. Handlers have now full control over the "inventory" setting.

from copy import deepcopy

def get_handler(..., handler_config, ...):
    return MyHandler(..., config=handler_config, ...)

class MyHandler:
    def __init__(self, ..., config, ...):
        self.config = config

    def get_inventory_urls(self):
        config = deepcopy(self.config["import"])
        return [(inv, {}) if isinstance(inv, str) else (inv.pop("url"), inv) for inv in config]

Changing the name of the key (for example from import to inventories) involves a change in user configuration, and both keys will have to be supported by your handler for some time.

def get_handler(..., handler_config, ...):
    if "inventories" not in handler_config and "import" in handler_config:
        warn("The 'import' key is renamed 'inventories'", FutureWarning)
        handler_config["inventories"] = handler_config.pop("import")
    return MyHandler(..., config=handler_config, ...)

Setting a fallback anchor function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

This comes from mkdocstrings and mkdocs-autorefs, and will disappear with mkdocstrings v0.28.

mkdocstrings v1 will start using your handler's get_options method to build options instead of merging the global and local options (dictionaries).

Handlers must now store their own global options (in an instance attribute), and implement a get_options method that receives local_options (a dict) and returns combined options (dict or custom object). These combined options are then passed to collect and render, so that these methods can use them right away.

def get_handler(..., handler_config, ...):
    return MyHandler(..., config=handler_config, ...)

class MyHandler:
    def __init__(self, ..., config, ...):
        self.config = config

    def get_options(local_options):
        return {**self.default_options, **self.config["options"], **local_options}

The update_env(md) parameter is deprecated. Use self.md instead.

Handlers can remove the md parameter from their update_env method implementation, and use self.md instead, if they need it.

No need to call super().update_env() anymore.

Handlers don't have to call the parent update_env method from their own implementation anymore, and can just drop the call.

The get_anchors method is deprecated. Declare a get_aliases method instead, accepting a string (identifier) instead of a collected object.

Previously, handlers would implement a get_anchors method that received a data object (typed CollectorItem) to return aliases for this object. This forced mkdocstrings to collect this object through the handler's collect method, which then required some logic with "fallback config" as to prevent unwanted collection. mkdocstrings gives back control to handlers and now calls get_aliases instead, which accepts an identifier (string) and lets the handler decide how to return aliases for this identifier. For example, it can replicate previous behavior by calling its own collect method with its own "fallback config", or do something different (cache lookup, etc.).

class MyHandler:
    def get_aliases(identifier):
            obj = self.collect(identifier, self.fallback_config)

### or obj = self._objects_cache[identifier]
        except CollectionError:  # or KeyError
            return ()
        return ...  # previous logic in `get_anchors`

The config_file_path argument in get_handler functions is deprecated. Use tool_config.get('config_file_path') instead.

The config_file_path argument is now deprecated and only passed to get_handler functions if they accept it. If you used it to compute a "base directory", you can now use the tool_config argument instead, which is the configuration of the SSG tool in use (here MkDocs):

base_dir = Path(tool_config.config_file_path or "./mkdocs.yml").parent

Most of these warnings will disappear with the next version of mkdocstrings-python.

Bug Fixes
  • Update handlers in JSON schema to be an object instead of an array (3cf7d51 by Matthew Messinger). Issue-733, PR-734
  • Fix broken table of contents when nesting autodoc instructions (12c8f82 by Timothée Mazzucotelli). Issue-348
Code Refactoring
  • Pass config_file_path to get_handler if it expects it (8c476ee by Timothée Mazzucotelli).
  • Give back inventory control to handlers (b84653f by Timothée Mazzucotelli). Related-to-issue-719
  • Give back control to handlers on how they want to handle global/local options (c00de7a by Timothée Mazzucotelli). Issue-719
  • Deprecate base handler's get_anchors method in favor of get_aliases method (7a668f0 by Timothée Mazzucotelli).
  • Register all identifiers of rendered objects into autorefs (434d8c7 by Timothée Mazzucotelli).
  • Use mkdocs-get-deps' download utility to remove duplicated code (bb87cd8 by Timothée Mazzucotelli).
  • Clean up data passed down from plugin to extension and handlers (b8e8703 by Timothée Mazzucotelli). PR-726


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Update | Change | |---|---|---| | [mkdocstrings](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings) ([changelog](https://mkdocstrings.github.io/changelog)) | minor | `~=0.27.0` -> `~=0.28.0` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings (mkdocstrings)</summary> ### [`v0.28.0`](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#0280---2025-02-03) [Compare Source](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/compare/0.27.0...0.28.0) <small>[Compare with 0.27.0](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/compare/0.27.0...0.28.0)</small> ##### Breaking Changes Although the following changes are "breaking" in terms of public API, we didn't find any public use of these classes and methods on GitHub. - `mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(parser)`: *Parameter was removed* - `mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(md)`: *Positional parameter was moved* - `mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(config)`: *Parameter was removed* - `mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(handlers)`: *Parameter kind was changed*: `positional or keyword` -> `keyword-only` - `mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.__init__(autorefs)`: *Parameter kind was changed*: `positional or keyword` -> `keyword-only` - `mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.__init__(config)`: *Parameter was removed* - `mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.__init__(handlers)`: *Positional parameter was moved* - `mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.__init__(autorefs)`: *Positional parameter was moved* - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(config)`: *Parameter was removed* - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(theme)`: *Parameter was added as required* - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(default)`: *Parameter was added as required* - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(inventory_project)`: *Parameter was added as required* - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.Handlers.__init__(tool_config)`: *Parameter was added as required* Similarly, the following parameters were renamed, but the methods are only called from our own code, using positional arguments. - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler.collect(config)`: *Parameter was renamed `options`* - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler.render(config)`: *Parameter was renamed `options`* Finally, the following method was removed, but this is again taken into account in our own code: - `mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler.get_anchors`: *Public object was removed* For these reasons, and because we're still in v0, we do not bump to v1 yet. See following deprecations. ##### Deprecations *mkdocstrings* 0.28 will start emitting these deprecations warnings: > The `handler` argument is deprecated. The handler name must be specified as a class attribute. Previously, the `get_handler` function would pass a `handler` (name) argument to the handler constructor. This name must now be set on the handler's class directly. ```python class MyHandler: name = "myhandler" ``` > The `domain` attribute must be specified as a class attribute. The `domain` class attribute on handlers is now mandatory and cannot be an empty string. ```python class MyHandler: domain = "mh" ``` > The `theme` argument must be passed as a keyword argument. This argument could previously be passed as a positional argument (from the `get_handler` function), and must now be passed as a keyword argument. > The `custom_templates` argument must be passed as a keyword argument. Same as for `theme`, but with `custom_templates`. > The `mdx` argument must be provided (as a keyword argument). The `get_handler` function now receives a `mdx` argument, which it must forward to the handler constructor and then to the base handler, either explicitly or through `**kwargs`: \=== "Explicitly" ```python def get_handler(..., mdx, ...): return MyHandler(..., mdx=mdx, ...) class MyHandler: def __init__(self, ..., mdx, ...): super().__init__(..., mdx=mdx, ...) ``` \=== "Through `**kwargs`" ```python def get_handler(..., **kwargs): return MyHandler(..., **kwargs) class MyHandler: def __init__(self, ..., **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) ``` In the meantime we still retrieve this `mdx` value at a different moment, by reading it from the MkDocs configuration. > The `mdx_config` argument must be provided (as a keyword argument). Same as for `mdx`, but with `mdx_config`. > mkdocstrings v1 will stop handling 'import' in handlers configuration. Instead your handler must define a `get_inventory_urls` method that returns a list of URLs to download. Previously, mkdocstrings would pop the `import` key from a handler's configuration to download each item (URLs). Items could be strings, or dictionaries with a `url` key. Now mkdocstrings gives back control to handlers, which must store this inventory configuration within them, and expose it again through a `get_inventory_urls` method. This method returns a list of tuples: an URL, and a dictionary of options that will be passed again to their `load_inventory` method. Handlers have now full control over the "inventory" setting. ```python from copy import deepcopy def get_handler(..., handler_config, ...): return MyHandler(..., config=handler_config, ...) class MyHandler: def __init__(self, ..., config, ...): self.config = config def get_inventory_urls(self): config = deepcopy(self.config["import"]) return [(inv, {}) if isinstance(inv, str) else (inv.pop("url"), inv) for inv in config] ``` Changing the name of the key (for example from `import` to `inventories`) involves a change in user configuration, and both keys will have to be supported by your handler for some time. ```python def get_handler(..., handler_config, ...): if "inventories" not in handler_config and "import" in handler_config: warn("The 'import' key is renamed 'inventories'", FutureWarning) handler_config["inventories"] = handler_config.pop("import") return MyHandler(..., config=handler_config, ...) ``` > Setting a fallback anchor function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This comes from mkdocstrings and mkdocs-autorefs, and will disappear with mkdocstrings v0.28. > mkdocstrings v1 will start using your handler's `get_options` method to build options instead of merging the global and local options (dictionaries). Handlers must now store their own global options (in an instance attribute), and implement a `get_options` method that receives `local_options` (a dict) and returns combined options (dict or custom object). These combined options are then passed to `collect` and `render`, so that these methods can use them right away. ```python def get_handler(..., handler_config, ...): return MyHandler(..., config=handler_config, ...) class MyHandler: def __init__(self, ..., config, ...): self.config = config def get_options(local_options): return {**self.default_options, **self.config["options"], **local_options} ``` > The `update_env(md)` parameter is deprecated. Use `self.md` instead. Handlers can remove the `md` parameter from their `update_env` method implementation, and use `self.md` instead, if they need it. > No need to call `super().update_env()` anymore. Handlers don't have to call the parent `update_env` method from their own implementation anymore, and can just drop the call. > The `get_anchors` method is deprecated. Declare a `get_aliases` method instead, accepting a string (identifier) instead of a collected object. Previously, handlers would implement a `get_anchors` method that received a data object (typed `CollectorItem`) to return aliases for this object. This forced mkdocstrings to collect this object through the handler's `collect` method, which then required some logic with "fallback config" as to prevent unwanted collection. mkdocstrings gives back control to handlers and now calls `get_aliases` instead, which accepts an `identifier` (string) and lets the handler decide how to return aliases for this identifier. For example, it can replicate previous behavior by calling its own `collect` method with its own "fallback config", or do something different (cache lookup, etc.). ```python class MyHandler: def get_aliases(identifier): try: obj = self.collect(identifier, self.fallback_config) ### or obj = self._objects_cache[identifier] except CollectionError: # or KeyError return () return ... # previous logic in `get_anchors` ``` > The `config_file_path` argument in `get_handler` functions is deprecated. Use `tool_config.get('config_file_path')` instead. The `config_file_path` argument is now deprecated and only passed to `get_handler` functions if they accept it. If you used it to compute a "base directory", you can now use the `tool_config` argument instead, which is the configuration of the SSG tool in use (here MkDocs): ```python base_dir = Path(tool_config.config_file_path or "./mkdocs.yml").parent ``` **Most of these warnings will disappear with the next version of mkdocstrings-python.** ##### Bug Fixes - Update handlers in JSON schema to be an object instead of an array ([3cf7d51](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/3cf7d51704378adc50d4ea50080aacae39e0e731) by Matthew Messinger). [Issue-733](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/issues/733), [PR-734](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/pull/734) - Fix broken table of contents when nesting autodoc instructions ([12c8f82](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/12c8f82e9a959ce32cada09f0d2b5c651a705fdb) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). [Issue-348](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/issues/348) ##### Code Refactoring - Pass `config_file_path` to `get_handler` if it expects it ([8c476ee](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/8c476ee0b82c09a5b20d7a773ecaf4be17b9e4d1) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). - Give back inventory control to handlers ([b84653f](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/b84653f2b175824c73bd0291fafff8343ba80125) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). [Related-to-issue-719](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/issues/719) - Give back control to handlers on how they want to handle global/local options ([c00de7a](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/c00de7a42b9072cbaa47ecbf18e3e15a6d5ab634) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). [Issue-719](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/issues/719) - Deprecate base handler's `get_anchors` method in favor of `get_aliases` method ([7a668f0](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/7a668f0f731401b07123bd02aafbbfc55cd24c0d) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). - Register all identifiers of rendered objects into autorefs ([434d8c7](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/434d8c7cd1e3edbdb9d4c45a9b44b290b19d88f1) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). - Use mkdocs-get-deps' download utility to remove duplicated code ([bb87cd8](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/bb87cd833f2333e77cb2c2926aa24a434c97391f) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). - Clean up data passed down from plugin to extension and handlers ([b8e8703](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/commit/b8e87036e0e1ec5c181b4a2ec5931f1a60636a32) by Timothée Mazzucotelli). [PR-726](https://github.com/mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings/pull/726) </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate). <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzOS45MS4wIiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzkuOTEuMCIsInRhcmdldEJyYW5jaCI6ImRldmVsb3AiLCJsYWJlbHMiOltdfQ==-->
renovate-bot added 1 commit 2025-02-03 19:40:33 +01:00
renovate-bot scheduled this pull request to auto merge when all checks succeed 2025-02-03 19:40:33 +01:00
stephan.hadan merged commit 98a0dca307 into develop 2025-02-03 22:37:03 +01:00
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