Using .Permalink was causing my site to not compile anymore with version 0.59.1
of Hugo. According to this issue on the Hugo Github repository:
in menus, .URL is not deprecated and can/should be kept.
Adds a parameter called YearlyMicroposts which is used to either:
- output the usual list of microposts if the parameter is not set or set to
- output a list of micropost titles grouped by year (just like the posts list
is) if the parameter is set and true.
The default behavior is not changed and the setting needs not be defined thus
not complicating the default installation.
If the FlickID parameter in the Author section in the config is not set or if it
is set to the empty string, the section is not inserted in the footer.
At least in Hugo 0.18 (I don't know for prior versions), the variables in the
templates are all set to lowercase even if they are not lowercase in the
config file.
For instance, for a configuration as follows:
Handle = "bla"
the variable must be used as .Site.Author.handle and not .Site.Author.Handle.